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FCS 281 Introduction to Nutrition

Jonathan Tanguay, MS,RDN, LD

Components of a Peer Reviewed Journal Article

  • Journal Information
    You will need the citation information to properly credit the author(s) and avoid plagiarism.
    Article Title
  • Author and Affiliation 
    The author(s) credentials might be listed in the citation or at the start of the article. 
    Search Google to learn more about the author(s). 
  • Abstract
    The abstract is a summary of the article.  Skim through the abstract and decide if the article fits your research needs.  
  • Introduction
    Some articles start with an Introduction.
    The Introduction might include:

    Why the problem is important
    What is lacking in the current knowledge
    Statement of the objective of the study or research question
  • Methodology
    The Methodology section should describe what the researchers did to accomplish their conclusions.  There should be enough detail in the Methodology for another researcher to duplicate the study. 
    The Methodology will include:

    Description of the context and setting of the study
    Description of the population 
    Description of the strategy for collection data
    Description of  the data collection instruments and procedures
    Describe the limitations of the study
  • Results 
    The Results section should tell the reader what was found in the research study. 
    The Results will include:

    Report on data collection 
    Should be specific and detailed 
    Presents findings 
  • Data
    ​Research articles should include data  
    The Data section will include:

    Tables, graphs, charts in a well designed and clear presentation 
  • Discussion and/or Conclusion
    The Discussion section should include the findings of the study 
    The Discussion and/or Conclusion section will include:

    Statement of the main findings of the study
    Discussion of the implications of the study  
    An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the study
    Offer perspectives for future study
  • References 
    At the end of the article there should be a list of the sources the author(s) used.  The list is called a reference list, works cited or bibliography.  The reference list is often long and includes journal articles and books and other material the author(s) used in the study. 
    The References should be:

    Current sources
    Historical sources if appropriate  
    Include scholarly publishers 
    Include current journal articles
    Include sources by authors known in the field of study