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ENG 102 Rozelle : Statistics and Government Sources

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Alabama Department of Labor: Elevator Safety 
The legislation (Act No. 2003-349) mandates all elevators other than those located in industrial facilities that are not accessed by the general public, be inspected annually and that inspections be made on elevators under construction to make sure they are properly installed and maintained.

American With Disabilities Act 
Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Guidelines

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Government Sources

Best Bet!  Government Information is easy to find if you know how to search.  
Use Google. Construct your search to return only government sites. 

Example: Food stamps college students

Search results:  Food Stamps college students
Students and SNAP 

Example: traffic statistics alabama
Search results: traffic statistics alabama
Facts and Figures: Alabama Department of Public Health 

Statistics from library sources