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Education : EDC 503 Mental Measurements Yearbook

Resources, information, and news for the education profession

What is the MMY?

Contains fulltext information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas.

This resource is also known as "Buros," a shortened version of the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. Located at the Univerisity of Nebraska, Lincoln, the center publishes this text every other year.

Carmichael Library subscribes to both the print and online versions. 

Frequency of Publication

MMY and their Supplements are scheduled to appear in alternating years

Supplements are a non-comprehensive edition of test reviews

MMY Online is updated every six months adding new test descriptions and reviews

Quirky Things to be aware of

Not all tests are reviewed in any one printed edition of MMY. It may be necessary to consult several editions of the print version to locate a test

Before 1985 (9th edition) the MMY main section wasn’t alphabetical by test title, so you need to use the indexes in the back of each volume

Indexes refer to test entry numbers not page numbers

Tests In Print

TIP serves as an index to MMY

TIP consists of descriptive listing
of tests without reviews

Entries provide basic
information on tests and refer to
MMY volumes for more information

MMY Print editions



All editions of the MMY in print are in the Library on the Main Floor in the Reference Collection


Ref. BF 431 .M46


Print is available for MMY 1 (1938) to the MMY 20 (2017)

The Basics

Criteria for inclusion in the MMY series include: 

Tests must be commercially available

Tests are in the English language

Subsequent versions of a test must be new or revised since it last appeared

Tests cover many topics not just education 

The Index

Index of Titles, including cross references to superseded or alternative tests

Index of acronyms by which test are often referred to

Classified subject index for a list of tests by subject area

Publishers directory and index

Index of names of authors of tests and of reviewers
Score index helps define purpose or subject of a test (score index added since MMY 9th edition)
Try the Classified Subject Index in the print versions

Tests and Reviews Section

Title of the test

Purpose of the test

Population or groups for which the test is intended

Publication date

Acronym by which test is often referred

Scores and descriptions of what the tests are intended to measure

Administration to individuals or groups
Forms, parts, levels
Time needed to administer test
Comments and special notations
Full-text reviews of the test
Further reading citations


Search the MMY database

Mental Measurements Yearbook

MMY Introduction

This document is the introduction pages from the 18th edition of Buros Mental Measurments Yearbook. These pages explain not only how to use the book, but also how to interpret each section of the test review entry. This information is equally useful when using the MMY Database. 

MMY Online Access

MMY online access begins with the Ninth edition (1985) and is current with the 18th edition (2010)

Online access via the Library Homepage:

Select "Databases” from the "Resources" tab. Select “M” - Mental Measurements Yearbook


Notes about MMY Online

Includes full-text of test reviews

MMY Online is updated every six months

Online version is easily searchable by many fields

Finding a Test Online

Online version can be limited to Test Category (same thing as the Classified Subject Index in the print version) 

Electronic Index is available on the Internet via the Buros Instittue website. However, DO NOT PAY for the review! Just use the index to help locate a test. The library has the full text of the reviews.