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CSD 481: Clinical Policies and Procedures

Getting Started

Coverage: PubMed includes about 30,000 journals, many of which are not currently indexed in the database. Around 7,700 current biomedical journals are picked up in PubMed, and more than 3,300 of these are available full text (in PubMed Central). Along with a wide range of types of articles, some books and other kinds of materials are also included in PubMed. 

Use this link to see if a particular journal title is covered in PubMed. You can also enter a strange journal abbreviation there to get the full title!

Searching: To do a simple search, PubMed recommends the following steps:

  1. Identify the key concepts for your search. 
  2. Enter the terms (or key concepts) in the search box.
  3. Press the Enter key or click Search.

PubMed uses algorithms to match concepts and return relevant results, and includes autocomplete and spellcheck features. If you get too many results, try using more specific terms, adding concepts, or using the filters in the sidebar to restrict results by publication date, full text availability, article type, and more.

Advanced Searching: PubMed also offers advanced search options that tap into their extensive Medical Subject Headings and multiple limit options. The Advanced Search Builder guides you through this process. Before you try out the advanced search, you may want to review this video.

Cite, Save and Share: There are easily visible options to cite articles in several formats; save citations to a text file; email articles to yourself; generate a permalink for a particular article; and copy a link to return to your search results later. 


MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)

MeSH reviewers read articles before they go into MEDLINE and assign appropriate subject headings to the article.  These subject headings from a pre-set list (or vocabulary).  MeSH applies one term to a collection of concepts - even if that exact term is not used in the article. 

MeSH Browser
​Try using the MeSH Browser to locate the best term to search in PubMed

MeSH Database 
Launching PubMed searches from the MeSH database

To build a PubMed search from MeSH:

  1. Run a search in the MeSH database.
  2. Select terms using the check boxes.
  3. Click "Add to search builder" in the PubMed search builder portlet.
  4. You may continue searching and including additional terms to the PubMed search builder using the "Add to search builder" and Boolean pull-down menu.
  5. When you are finished, click "Search PubMed."


MeSH Subject Heading

MeSH Heading
Speech Disorders

‌/‌ther‌: consider also SPEECH THERAPY; do not confuse with LANGUAGE DISORDERS: read differentiation of SPEECH & LANGUAGE under SPEECH

Scope Note
Acquired or developmental conditions marked by an impaired ability to comprehend or generate spoken forms of language.

MeSH Heading
Autistic Disorder
Scope Note
A disorder beginning in childhood. It is marked by the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interest. Manifestations of the disorder vary greatly depending on the developmental level and chronological age of the individual. (DSM-V)